My April 21 Podcast of "Hi Keefak Ça Va" incl. Interview w/ Director Joshua Asen + Spotlight on "Fetish Systems"

Here is the link to my latest podcast (Thursday April 21) of "Hi keefak Ça Va?" (Episode 5) in case you feel like grooving to great Arabic/French/English beats.

In addition to the usual music mélange, this episode includes an interview with Joshua Asen, Co-Director of the film "I Love Hip Hop in Morocco," and audio readings (by Hamed Sinno and Rosette Elghossain from "Fetish Systems," a daring new book by Lebanese author Raafat Majzoub.

The show also includes a tribute to Helem and features a daring new song by Mashrou' Leila plus the usual music mixing and matching in Arabic/French/English

To listen/download the show (2 Parts), please click on the link below then click on the arrows on the bottom right of that page (right click to save):

If the link above doesn't work, click on the links below to listen:

Part ONE: Click HERE

Part TWO: Click HERE

also available at

Hi, Keefak, Ça Va? DJ: Ramzi S. Thurs, 21April 2011 1600 - 17:30



1. Charbel Rouhana/ Hi Keefak Ca Va/ Hi, Keefak, Ça Va?/ Forward Music
2. Fayrouz/ Habbaytak bil sayf/ The Very Best of Fairuz/ EMI
3. Jean-Francois Michel/ Coupable/ Jean Francois Michel/ JFM
4. Wust El Balad/ Qull Lil- Maliha (Tell The Maiden)/ Wust El Balad/ Melody Music
5. Hamed Sinno/ Audio Clip/ Fetish Systems by Raafat Majzoub/ +236m3
6. Rosette Elghossain/ Audio Clip/ Fetish Systems by Raafat Majzoub/ +236m3

7. Wael Kfoury/ Hekm el alb/ Best of Wael Kfoury/ Rotana
8. Les Boukakes/ Oummi/ Marra/ (No Label Information)
9. Interview with Director Joshua Asen (I Love Hip Hop in Morocco) and Professor H. Samy Alim of Stanford University.
10. MC Bigg/ Skizo/ I Love Hip Hop in Morocco/ Unreleased
11. Sala'h Eddine/ Hakma Willi/ I Love Hip Hop in Morocco/ Unreleased

12. Rima Khcheich/ Falak/ Falak/ Jazz in Motion Records
13. Mashrou' Leila/ Shim El Yasmine/ Mashrou' Leila/ B-Root Productions
14. Lena Chamamian/ Sariri Hovim Mernem/ Shamat/ NA
15. Elizabeth Ayoub/ Habibi/ Oceanos Y Lunas/ Four Quarters Entertainment


Click image above to listen

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