At Stanford: The Noise of Cairo - A Documentary about Cairo, Art, and Revolution

The Noise of Cairo is a cinematic adventure, following the interplay between art and the revolution in Egypt. Protest of any kind was punished violently in pre-revolutionary Egypt and artistic expression was considered nothing but a threat to the status quo. But since the fall of Mubarak, the art scene in Cairo is flourishing once again.

How did the revolution of 2011 change Egyptian artists and their work?

Twelve influencers from Cairo's cultural scene lead us on a journey to understand the unique role artists played during the revolution in Cairo. This documentary bears witness to Cairo's vibrant artistic underbelly, as it raises its voice once again.

The artists of Cairo, who refused to quiet down, come together to be heard. These individuals create THE NOISE OF CAIRO."

Here is a trailer located at

Audio Interviews by Ramzi Salti

Ramzi Salti: Video Interviews

Ramzi Salti: Events + Talks + Events (Video Playlist)

Ramzi Salti's Arabology Guests