Season Finale of Arabology (aired June 13) Available

The 4-hour season finale of DJ Ramzi's Arabology aired on Thurs June 13, 2013 and featured music by some of the Arab world's best alternative musicians/artists, along with commentary (in English) by DJ Ramzi.  Includes interview with Director Rami Musa Alayan (who discussed his film Private Sun) as well as with the film's soundtrack composer Frank Gelat.

Listen below or download complete show at THIS LINK 

PART ONE ft music by Joussour, Michel Sajrawy, Mike Massy, Tania Saleh, Egyptian Projet, Rim Banna, Dal'ouna, Ramzi Aburadwan, Omar Offendum, La Tlateh, Hiba, DAM, Macel Khalife (ft Mahmoud Darwish)

PART TWO ft Pangia, Mashrou' Leila, Donia Masoud, Maryam (ft Zeid Hamdan), Rasha, JadaL, Toot Ard, Aziz Maraka, Tamer Abu Ghazaleh.

PART THREE ft Emel Mathlouthi, Eliyahu Sills, Yassir Chadly, Joubran Trio, Elizabeth Ayoub, Charbel Rouhana, Rahim Alhaj, May Matar, Oumeima El Khalil, Yasmine Hamdan, Cheba Djenet.

PART FOUR ft El Rass (w/ Al Sayyed Darwish, Ramy Essam , Kamel Badarneh, Ancient Future, Toufic Farroukh, Fairuz, May Nasr and an interview with Director Rami Alyan and composer Frank Gelat.

Listen Or Download at


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