Rania Kurdi Releases Hilarious New Song + Video Clip

Rania Kurdi in 'Weslat' video clip

Rania Kurdi aka the Arab Tracey Ullman has just released a new song and video that humorously deal with so-called celebrities and superficiality in the media. Titled 'Weslat' [Message Received], the video features Jordanian rap artist Amer Al-Taher and is brilliantly directed by Zaid Bawab. It showcases Rania in playing different characters doing what she does best--satirically commenting on so called celebrities who are more concerned with image than content.

You can watch the video below or at https://youtu.be/81LSOsP3GJs

For more about Rania Kurdi see https://www.facebook.com/RaniaKurdiOfficial

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